Sunday 15 May 2011

Shooting Script

With this shooting script, it will be difficult to decide on which order they will go in consider I will edit the music in a sharp snappy way and move shots around that will suit the lyrics and also to keep it exciting rather than boring with just the same shots.
But here is a rough sketchy plan;

- Opening scene; a boy walking in the dark with someone following him. He then gets kipnapped
- Boy is on bed with female dancers surrounding him.
- Boy is a puppet attached to the ceiling.
- Shots of Boy tied up.
- Shots of Kidnapper are the Puppetier.
- Shots of Boy and Kidnapper together.
- Shots of Boy with dancers around him doing  a routine to the song.
- Shots of Boy on floor surrounding with alcohol.
- Shots of Kidnapper, but just her head.
- Shots of Boy and dancers in a strobe light.
- Shots of Boy and Kidnapper in a strobe light.
- Ending, Boy wakes up surrounding by bottles and covered in glitter and sequences and then looks to the camera and gives a little smirk.

The majority of the shots will have magazine background with were covered on the walls.

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