Sunday 15 May 2011

CD Cover Edits.

For the CD Cover, I chose to call the album 'Kiss 'n' Tell' and has based it around the past 2 years of my life. I chose this as I wanted the album to have a meaning and I thought to base it around myself as I am the artist for the album. 'Kiss 'n' Tell' came from the idea of 'Ke$ha' as on her first debut album 'Animal', she has an track called 'Kiss 'n' Tell' and I very much liked it, so I thought about it and how I could incorparate it with the meaning on my album and then I found the connection with my past.
I editied around 7 album covers to choose from and then posted them on Facebook to see what people would like. The responses were all mixed and still made it difficult to decide. I then looked at them all very carefully and researched other 'Pop' artists covers.

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